I have seen too many bad PowerPoint presentations. It is always a struggle to listen, watch, and read the content being presented, and make sense of it at the time. So when I learned about the theory of Dual Coding (Sorden, 2012) I was relieved to discover that it wasn’t me.

It also made me realize that I was as guilty as anyone of making bad presentations myself. Thus in the future it will be incumbent upon me to reduce the amount of text in my presentations, include more images and/or videos, and make sure that what text is included is different from what I am saying while covering the same material (Sorden, 2012).

It was also interesting to learn about Flow (Khare, 2018). I have experienced this many, many times, as I am sure others have. In my case it was during my experiences playing guitar with my dad when I was young, skiing with my friends, golfing at a favorite course, or reading. Recreating that feeling of being transported while doing something would be a huge advantage to learning.

Image result for images of person reading

Source: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.insider.com%2F5592fe23eab8ea1e6ba9b6f6%3Fwidth%3D1200%26format%3Djpeg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.businessinsider.com%2Frich-people-like-to-read-2015-8&tbnid=tAathecHDbvyPM&vet=12ahUKEwjr8eipsevuAhXDgZ4KHdApDEkQMygmegUIARCsAg..i&docid=mj4dkSEhNyyQoM&w=1200&h=600&q=images%20of%20person%20reading&ved=2ahUKEwjr8eipsevuAhXDgZ4KHdApDEkQMygmegUIARCsAg

I can see why we are looking at these various theories. It will be our challenge to take this knowledge and use it together with our lived experience to create lessons that will have impact and help our future students successfully learn.


